Founded in 2005, the SME Hybrid Catalysis has served the chemical industry with contract R&D in catalyst development and screening. It has own IP on nanocatalysts that are in cases being subjected to plant trials. Currently, Hybrid has about 15 multinational customers and participated in several FP7 programs aimed at catalytic process intensification. Hybrid provides catalyst development for the HORIZON2020 projects GREENSOLRES, ZEOCAT3D and CO2FOKUS.

Hybrid Catalysis has a laboratory for high-throughput testing and (in)organic synthesis scale-up. This includes state of the art robotic equipment enabling fast catalyst screening under industrially relevant conditions.

Available workstations involve Chemspeed batch reactors and Thalesnano flow reactors for catalyst screening next to dedicated setups for heterogeneous catalyst testing..

In the past years, Hybrid Catalysis demonstrated its capability for engineering and setting up R&D reactor units for catalyst screening in industrial processes. Units are available for methane steam reforming (SMR), autothermal methane reforming (ATR), Fischer Tropsch (FT), oxidative coupling of methane (OCM), propene epoxidtion, alkene isomerisation, -dehydrogenation, -hydrogenation, and CO2 insertion in epoxides.

Website: http://www.hybridcatalysis.com

Contact: dr. Erik Abbenhuis (h.c.l.abbenhuis@tue.nl)

Mobile: +31 6 212 74 803



Hybrid Catalysis will act as WP1 “Catalyst Development” leader enabling the network to realise catalyst development and scale-up. Emphasis is on synthesis of nanostructured reagents for functionalisation of GO-based catalysts and scale up of catalyst materials and 3D-structured catalytic systems. Catalysts will be pre-screened in in early stage of the project in DME production under CO2 hydrogenation conditions in order to provide leads that are worth of detailed investigation by network partners in WP2 “CO2 utilisation reaction for DME production, novel proof of concept”.

HyCAT has many years of experience in relevant catalyst development and screening. HyCAT can provide reference CO2 hydrogenation catalysts for all the partners that require them. For further catalyst development, HyCAT will explore novel ‘vapour’ methods for depositing particles onto (commercially) available metal oxide supports in addition to porous supports including those supplied by other C123 partners. HYCAT will compare and contrast the different approaches by partners and themselves for benchmarking purposes: catalyst syntheses performed via ‘vapour deposition’ routes and more conventional wet chemistry routes (such as deposition/precipitation, impregnation and sol-gel).

The HyCAT team for this project is composed by 1 Research Manager and 3 experienced Scientists with complementary technical and scientific skills.